The next Legends’ Night at The Duke will be on Monday 6th April . It is the 1970 FA Cup win 50th Anniversary celebration!
The evening will also be a tribute to our now missing 1970 legends: Peter Osgood, Ian Hutchinson, Dave Sexton and Peter Houseman.
The evening will certainly be an enjoyable one – and it will also be different! There is a back-drop being built – real 1970 retro style – and with the ever popular Chelsea Legend Gary CHIVERS being MC, it will certainly be funny too!
1970 legends on the night to join Gary are confirmed so far as: Ron ‘Chopper’ HARRIS, Tommy BALDWIN and John HOLLINS, with a further couple of other 1970 legends yet to confirm.
Tickets will be just £25, which includes the ever popular hot buffet!
Call 01344-882736 for your tickets